Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Britney Spears Music Blasts Off Somali Pirates!

Britney Spears should feel insulted! As a matter of fact, I feel affronted on her behalf being a fan myself. You  know why? Her music is being used to deter Somali pirates according to merchant naval officer Rachel Owens. Apparently, Brit's music was well-chosen by the security team and they specifically use "Ooops!...I Did It Again" and "Baby One More Time" to ward off Somali pirates' attack.

According to the navy, the Somali pirates abhor western culture or music that is why Britney's music perfectly fits the bill.

Sure it's good that violence is tempered somewhat since the navy doesn't have to fire at the pirates but this is like saying that Britney's music is terrible! I don't agree at all.

Do you think Britney's music is terrible?

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